This church community was formed in 1975. Our vision was inspired by the fellowship shared by the brethren in the early Church. In particular, the Acts of The Apostles served as a model as we sought to experience a deeper relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Most members were zealous young adults at that time. Early on many people moved into one of several apartment communities to allow for daily interaction with others from the Church. Later, this desire further manifested itself as many began to purchase homes in close proximity to one another.
Our congregation possessed no property for several years. We met in basements, living rooms, hotel meeting rooms, a warehouse and rooms in the Indiana Convention Center. Eventually, a Methodist Church building became available in the neighborhood where many members had chosen to live. This building is our current home.
Many transformations have taken place since 1975. These include entrance into the New Covenant Apostolic Order which later became the Evangelical Orthodox Church (EOC). In the EOC, Fr. Peter Gillquist, Fr. Jack Sparks, Fr. Jon Braun, Fr. Gordon Walker and others introduced us to the writings of Early Church Fathers and Orthodoxy. In 1988, these men and a number of EOC churches entered into the Antiochian Orthodox Church. For a variety of reasons our congregation chose not to enter the Orthodox Church at that time. Check out the book Becoming Orthodox for a detailed look at their story.
Thankfully, God has honored our zeal and desire to know Him. He has sustained us through the intervening years and gently guided us on our path to a deeper understanding of Orthodox theology and practice.
In 2001, God opened the doors for us to pursue entrance into the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). Then, His Grace, Bp. JOB (now Archbishop JOB) was very kind in his initial meetings with us. In February of 2002 we were received as catechumens. His Emminence, Abp. JOB provided catechetical studies for us with the help of clergy from the Columbus, OH deanery and Indianapolis-area Orthodox clergy from the OCA and other jurisdictions. His Emminence, Abp. JOB received our community as St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Chrismation on July 10, 2002.
We arrived at Orthodoxy by way of a long and sometimes arduous journey. Yet, we look forward to continued growth and a journey that will continue to deepen our faith.