St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church


We are St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church, a parish of the Orthodox Church in America, located in Indianapolis, IN. This is our web site where you’ll find news about our parish and information about who we are.

We are located at 1421 South Blaine Ave., Indianapolis, IN. (map)
Phone: (317) 635 – 7596

Parish Mission Statement

We desire to express the Orthodox faith through the worship of the Holy Trinity in the Eucharist and in the Sacramental LIfe of the church. As an intentional Orthodox community, we place our hope in the Resurrection. We desire to bear one another’s burdens in the knowledge that God will transform us through our present sufferings into His image and likeness. Therefore, having experienced God’s love, we desire to intentionally manifest this love to others through acceptance, compassion, benevolence, and hospitality, for the life of the world.

OCA Mission Statement

The Mission of the Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all [things that He has] commanded” so that all people may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth:

To preach, in accordance with God’s will, the fullness of the gospel of the Kingdom to the peoples of North America and to invite them to become members of the Orthodox Church.

To utilize for her mission the various languages of the peoples of this continent.

To be the body of Christ in North America and to be faithful to the tradition of the Holy Orthodox Church.

To witness to the truth, and by God’s grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to reveal Christ’s way of sanctification and eternal salvation to all.